Monday, August 24, 2009


This is my version of a song by Jana Hunter called Babies. It was recorded for the purpose of appearing on a compilation of Baltimore musicians covering other Baltimore musicians, which should be available in September. I hope you like it. 

Babies - Brian Adam Ant

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

No new music. Too hot.

Many people love the summer. I fucking hate it. I cant concentrate on anything, let alone work on new music because it's too fucking hot in my basement apartment with no AC. I cant record anything because I have two fans going and the windows open, and it bleeds into the microphone and winds up sounding like a dude trying to record music in a hot fucking basement apartment. I'm sorry. I mean I love G-d and all but I curse the day He invented summer. So I've been eating lots of bacon to get back at Him. Maybe I'll post some new music when it's cooler outside. 

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Little Life

This is a song that was written by Josephine Foster. It was recorded by Jeff the taper (Thanks Jeff!) on Dec. 6th, 2006. It is definitely one of my all-time favorite songs ever written and although I wish that I had written it, on second thought I dont think I'm capable. Originally I found it on a mix CD that Nora Hughes sent me (thanks Nora!) and it was played on a ukelele so I had to figure out how to play the chords on guitar but there's only three of them so it wasnt so bad. I hope you like it. 

Little Life - Brian Adam Ant